Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Software Engineering

Kayaknya keren ya Sofware Engineering…weedeh…berat abis deh, bagi yang belum tahu kira-kira makhluk apa ini, berikut kutipan yang di ambil dari wiki
Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software.[1] It encompasses techniques and procedures, often regulated by a software development process, with the purpose of improving the reliability and maintainability of software systems.[2] The effort is necessitated by the potential complexity of those systems, which may contain millions of lines of code.[3]
— kalo mengutip dari Ian Sommerville dari bukunya Software Engineering, di sebutkan Software Engineering adalah disiplin ilmu yang membahas semua aspek produksi perangkat lunak, mulai dari tahap awal spesifikasi sistem sampai pemeliharaan sistem setelah digunakan, dimana ada dua kata kunci yaitu:

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